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Author Guidelines

GUIDELINES for submission and publication of manuscripts


Series Philology

ISSN 2311-0821 (Online), ISSN 2415-7333 (Print),

which is included into the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (Category B)

and authorized to publish the results of doctoral and candidate’s theses in

Philological Sciences. Specialty 035.

(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 dated December 28, 2019)

The journal welcomes submissions (scientific papers, research articles, reviews, etc.) from qualified specialists in the field of philology provided the submitted work has not been previously published, addresses the branches and scope the journal focuses on, presents up-to-date research results, contains novelty and meets the journal requirements.

The editorial board members conduct internal and external peer reviewing of submitted works and reserve the right to decline unsuitable ones.

The editorial board adheres to international publishing standards based on the Code of Conduct developed by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). 

Manuscripts are checked for plagiarism by UNICHECK on an obligatory basis. The degree of text uniqueness shall exceed 85%.

Manuscript languages – Ukrainian, English, French, Spanish, German (Certificate of state registration of the print media (Series KV No. 8830 dated June 3 2004).


Page 1: Author’s surname and initials and manuscript title in English.

Page 2: line 1 – UDC (align left), line 2 – initials and surname(s) of the author(s) (regular, align right), line 3 – institutional affiliation and country, line 4 – e-mail address(es) of the author(s), line 5 – ORCID ІD, line 6 – manuscript title (12 pts, bold, CAPITAL letters, align center, use manuscript language).


1) two abstracts (1500-1700 characters with spaces each): in English and in Ukrainian (single line spacing, Times New Roman, regular, 12 pts, align center, first line indent – 1,25 cm);

2) Keywords (5-7 words selected from the abstract).

Empirical papers should include the following structural components:

– introduction: provide a clearly stated research problem / question, its relevance and adequate background to the area of concern and propose solution;

– up-to-date critical literature review: avoid mere listing of scholars’ names or their works; consider a survey of scholarly sources and contributions and specify novel unresolved issues; current state of the art in the field is conventional;

  • aim and objectives;
  • research methodology;
  • research results and their discussion;
  • conclusions and implications for further research;
  • references formatted according to АРА style standards.

Information on international АРА style standards can be found here:


REFERENCES (headline – CAPITAL letters, bold, align left, first line indent – 1,25 cm) are arranged alphabetically below the manuscript text (line spacing – 1,5, Times New Roman, 12 pts, justified, first line indent – 1,25 cm) followed by EMPIRICAL DATA SOURCES and DICTIONARIES (if any), which are given separately.

TRANSLITERATED REFERENCES (applied to the sources in Cyrillic). Recommended link:

Acknowledgments (if any): Specify grants or other financial support of your research or acknowledge persons who assisted in conducting the research.

Contact data of the author(s) Times New Roman, regular, 12 pts) in the form of a table – full name(s) of the author(s), their academic degree(s) and title(s), affiliated organisation, position, e-mail(s) of the author(s), field of expertise, colour photo.

If, for some ethical reasons, the author refuses to send his/her photograph, it may be substituted by an avatar of the corresponding sex.

Author’s contact data

full name(s) of the author(s), their academic degree / title(s), position, affiliation(s) and e-mail address

Author’s photo



of scientific interest

(max. 5 positions)

Formatting guidelines: text (min. 0,5 pr. p. = 20 000 characters) and references are in Times New Roman, 12 pts, line spacing – 1,5. Margins: left, right, top and bottom – 2 cm, first line indent – 1,25 cm. Special fonts (but for Times New Roman) should be attached in separate files. Use straight double quotation marks ("discourse") to introduce quotations and term definitions. Differentiate between hyphens (-) and dashes (–). Manuscript fragments that include illustration data are presented in italic. Ellipses in quotations are indicated by [...]. Footnotes are allowed. In-text citations (surnames) are entered in the source language; those in Cyrillic characters first, followed by those in Roman letters (Іванов, 2012; Johnson, 2019).

Important notes to consider:

  1. Authors should consider the credibility of sources they use! If it is impossible to define the author and/or the year of publication, it is better to refuse citing this source as it is not reliable.
  2. Self-citations should be used responsibly and only if appropriate.
  3. Most of the items in the reference list should be fresh and reliable sources of the last 5–7 years. Research papers without references to articles in reputable journals indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus may generate extra questions and negative feedback from peer reviewers.
  4. We do not recommend citing textbooks, guides or tutorials.
  5. It is necessary to minimize the links to conference abstracts and other papers that were not peer-reviewed before publication.
  6. References to Wikipedia and other online encyclopaedias are not allowed.


The list of required submission files is:

– manuscript in Microsoft Word file format (.doc / .docx);

− information about the author(s) in two languages (English and Ukrainian) in a separate file (full given name and surname, academic degree, academic rank, affiliation, position held, postal address (with zip code), e-mail address, contact phone number);

– scanned referee report or extract from the protocol / minutes of the chair / department meeting / scientific council recommending publication (but for authors who gained academic degrees of CSс or DrSс).

All the respective documents (manuscript, information about the author(s), referee report (extract)) should be titled accordingly (Article_Surname, Author_Surname, Review_Surname, Extract_Surname) and sent to

Executive editors:

Halyna Stashko, tel.: +38 (067) 442-43-44

Halyna Minchak, tel.: +38 (068) 554-23-79

Technical editor:

Olena Hryhorenko, tel.: +38 (067) 419-33-36

Privacy Statement

The authors save copyright, give the right to the editorial board of the collection of scientific papers “Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology” to publish original scientific articles which contain the results of experimental and (or) theoretical research and are not  considered to publish in other editions. All materials are subject to the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)According to this the author allows you to increase, to copy, to transmit your work, to modify, to change, to develop a work. The author does not allow to use  his or her work for commercial purposes (Noncommercial). You should save links to previous authors.  They determine the form (Attribution). The work which is modified by the other co-author should be licensed under the same license CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Editors place articles in the collection of scientific papers “Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology”, use the author’s / authors’ free and non-exclusive  materials.  Copyright for the manuscript is preserved without limitation of the term. (CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0))

The fact of submitting materials to the collection of scientific papers “Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology”. The author / authors allow the editorial board of the collection to place materials on the Internet and grant access to these materials to users regardless of their place of residence.

The editorial board of the collection of scientific papers “Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology” reserves the right to distribute a collection of scientific papers “Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology” in the electronic and paper formats and / or other information prepared by the editorial board,  the whole or some articles, or some fragments that have already been published and the author / authors hadn’t been informed about it but   their copyright is preserved according to  the laws of Ukraine "On Information" and "On Scientific and Technical Information".

According to the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights", all non-proprietary rights to the work are retained by the author / authors. The Editorial Board of the collection of scientific papers “Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology” in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights" carries out the transfer of a copy of a work to libraries and archives of Ukraine and other countries. Their activities are not connected directly or indirectly to profit, as to use materials from editorial board in education where copyright is preserved.  All materials are sent and carried out according to the principles of open access and free access to the materials.

Accepted articles are posted on the Internet after the publication of a collection of scientific papers “Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology”:

The author / authors reserve the right without the agreement by the editorial board:

  1. To use the whole materials of the article or partly for educational purposes.
  2. To use the materials of the article in whole or in part for writing dissertations.
  3. To use article for the preparation of abstracts, conference reports, presentations.
  4. To place article’s electronic copies (including the final electronic version downloaded from the official website of the collection) on:
  • personal web resources of all authors (web sites, web pages, blogs, etc.);
  • web resources of agencies where authors work (including electronic institutional repositories);
  • non-commercial open source web resources.

It is obligatory to have a bibliographic link to an article or a hyperlink to its electronic copy on the official website of the collection of scientific papers “Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philology” in any case.