pragmatic attraction, types of pragmatic attraction, structural interrelations, illocution, implicature, communicative conventionsAbstract
Introduction. The paper focuses on the defining a new linguistic term of pragmatic
attraction, starting a case-study for its grounding in the system of scientific terms and notions.
Purpose. The paper aims at defining the term “pragmatic attraction” by analogy with
already used in linguistics notions, such as paronymic attraction, semantic attraction, and
syntagmatic attraction based on its interconditionality and mutual “attraction” of different
pragmatic phenomena.
Methods. The research is based on the methods of pragmatic analysis, structural analysis
and textual analysis.
Results. The paper identified and described three main types of pragmatic attraction.
The first type is the attraction of information and pragmatic parameters connected with attaching
implicit meanings and dealing with illocutionary meanings, implicatures (both conventional
and non- conventional), and presuppositions (pragmatic, semantic, etc). The second one is
the attraction of intensional and strategic parameters, which specifies the ways to optimize
interactivity: communicative conventions, communicative roles, strategies, tactics and speech
turns. The third one, the attraction of heterogeneous parameters, which combines the conditions
and the ways to attach pragmatic information from the previous two categories. The paper analysed
the peculiarities of structural interrelations among these types of pragmatic attraction.
Conclusions. We have concluded that the outlined types of pragmatic attraction have
specific kinds of structural relations: non- hierarchical interrelation of homogeneous parameters
(first type of pragmatic attraction), hierarchical interrelation of homogeneous parameters (second
type of pragmatic attraction), and hierarchical interrelation of heterogeneous parameters (third
type of pragmatic attraction).
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