hypertext, hypertext links, Internet mass media, stylistics, characteristic featureAbstract
Introduction. The paper focuses on the stylistic features of hypertext links in French
Internet newspaper “20 minutes”. The notion of a hypertext link is double faced: as a computer
and as a linguistic phenomenon. The hypertext link is investigated at three levels: lexical,
morphological and syntactic.
Purpose. The paper aims at finding out the hypertext links of Internet newspaper
“20 minutes” and analyzing them as integral, structured, harmoniously existing units which
interrelate with other elements of the hypertext. Acombination of stylistic features of the language
of mass media as well as the Internet can be observed in such a unit. The communicative strategies
of informing, influencing and evaluating are effectively utilized so as to attract readers' attention.
The means which are aimed at establishing contact with young audience are chosen for that
Methods. The research grounds on stylistic analysis, interpretative analysis, lexicosemantic analysis, and empiric method of classifying the results of investigation.
Results. At lexical level hyperlinks are characterized by widespread usage of
the anglicisms, the prevalence of emotionally coloured, colloquial vocabulary and neologisms.
At morphological level, numerous initial contractions and shortenings, combinations of the
text with various significant images are intrinsic in hyperlinks. At syntactic level the hypertext
links are peculiar for nominative, complex asyndetic sentences, isolation of attributes. The usage
of elliptical constructions of various kinds has signs of the influence of the Internet language
stylistics. Besides, irony takes a significant place among the means of figurative expression.
The usage of irony imparts a shade of ironically critical evaluation, especially in the reports
that relate to administrative officials and government institutions.
Conclusions. The above-mentioned aspects of hyperlinks create the stylistic features
of the language of the Internet. The paper concludes that derivation is considered to be
a productive means of the formation of neologisms in the field of internet mass media. The
utilization of irony, being a part of the traditional French political satire, helps to achieve
the understanding between young generation of readers that is a characteristic feature of
special outlook, predetermined by age peculiarities.
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