TYPOLOGY OF SEMANTIC FIELDS OF COMPARISON FOR THE OBJECT VALUE (on the material of D. Keshelia's novel collage “Rodaky”)
comparison, comparative construction, subject of comparison, comparator, semantic field, lexical-semantic groupAbstract
Introduction. Artistic comparison is one of the most expressive trails, and it is often
used by word masters to depict the appearance of characters, their way of thinking, peculiarities
of speech, behavior, and others like that. Classical comparison has a three-component structure,
which includes: 1) the subject of comparison; 2) the object of comparison; 3) a sign on the basis
of which there is a comparison of objects. It is the object of comparison and the characteristic
by which the unknown and well-known objects are compare are the most important components
by which the writer manages to bring to the reader a certain emotion – sympathy, neglect,
compassion, fear, laughter, etc.
The purpose of this article is to distinguish the semantic fields (hereinafter SF) of the
comparative constructions used by the writer D. Keshelia in his novel Collage of the elements
of the national life of “Rodaky”, in terms of the object of comparison.
Research methods. The continuous sampling method was used to collect actual material;
the method of classification and systematization for referring the material to the corresponding
lexical-thematic groups hereinafter LSG)), and the method of quantitative calculations was used
to detect the frequency of objects of comparison of a particular semantics.
Research results. The analysis of the actual material (without taking into account
the grammatical structure of the comparative construction) allowed to distinguish according
to the value of the object of comparison such SP: “man”, “living nature”, “immortal nature”,
“objects created by man”, “time”, “abstractness” , “Mythical names”.
Conclusion. The best represented in the novel by D. Keshelia “Rodaky” from the point
of view of the object of comparison is SF “man”. This field is represent by 136 names that can
be attribute to five such LSGs: 1) persons; 2) body parts names; 3) the names of famous historic
persons; 4) names of persons – characters of the Bible; 5) the names of groups of people. Slightly
inferior to the number of items of comparison objects SF “wildlife”. It is make up of 124 titles,
which refer to five such LSGs: 1) plant names; 2) names of animals and birds; 3) the names of insects. SF “items created by a person” is represent by 65 nominations, classified as such LSG:
1) households; 2) the names of the transport, its parts, devices related to the regulation of traffic
and the names of agricultural machinery; 3) the names of parts of buildings and materials.
SF “Inanimate Nature” is represent by 32 names, which are divide among such LSG: 1) names
of substances and materials; 2) the names of the phenomena of nature; 3) locations; 4) cosmic;
5) names of water objects. The least commonly used objects of comparison are the SF “abstract”,
implemented by 11 examples of use, SF “mythical names”, also represented by 10 names, and SF
“time”, formed by six tokens.
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