markedness, marking, mark, marker, interdiscursiveness, interdiscourse, intertextuality, intertextAbstract
The article examines the concept of marking interdiscursiveness / intertextuality from the standpoint
of cognitive linguistics, in particular, it defines four terms: a) “interdiscursiveness” is a phenomenon
that demonstrates the interaction between discourses; it is an indicator of the residue in the discourse
of previous discourses, which provide a kind of “preparation “, “raw material” for another discourse;
b) “interdiscourse” is a discourse and ideological space in which discourse formations unfold with their
relation of dominance, subordination and contradiction; c) “intertextuality” is the interaction of texts not
only in terms of content, but also in terms of expression; it acts as a means by which one text actualizes
another in its internal space; d) “intertext” is a product of secondary textual activity as a result of
processes of secondary categorization of information, its new conceptualization and new representation.
The concept of the triad “markedness – marking / mark – marker” is characterized in the context of
(inter-)discursive and (inter-)textual processes, where the former consists in the fact that if markedness
is a phenomenon, marking / mark is a process, then a marker is a result. At the same time, the definition
of the concept of “linguistic marker” is proposed as a clear system of language units of different levels,
which expresses the interlevel status of the category of communicative intention and enables the selection
of the most optimal among them for expressing the intentional needs of a linguistic personality. Linguistic
markers are represented by: (a) discursive markers responsible for non-linguistic knowledge (discourse
level), (b) language markers responsible for linguistic knowledge (text level).
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