



term, non-term, function, multifunctional phenomenon


In the present paper, we characterize a term as a multifunctional phenomenon and define the system of its functions that is quite complicated, and even more complex than the corresponding system of a non-term (commonly used word). For instance, any term performs the sign function. The nominative (representative) function is nonspecific for a term, but necessarily present within the system of its functions. It is closely connected with the significative one and they are often considered together. A term also performs the communicative (informative) function, which characterizes it as a means of transferring certain content and stylistic information to the recipient, with some feedback following it. The educative function of a term is one of the ways to implement the communicative function of a language sign, but it slightly differs from the knowledge-sharing function, which serves as the second way to implement the same general function. The communicative function is closely connected to the pragmatic function of a term, and it is determined by its connection with participants of communication, specific conditions
and the field of communication, while depending on the directive that the originator chooses in order to influence the recipient. As a lexical element, particularly in the language of science and technology, a term (along with other lexical units) can perform the heuristic function, the function of discovering new knowledge, scientific cognition, and revealing the truth. The most important functions of a term also include the cognitive function, which defines it as a result of a long-term process of understanding the essence of things, facts of objective reality and human spiritual life, and as verbalization of a special
concept that can primarily be not only an object of contemplation but even a manifestation of sense knowledge. The functions of knowledge record/transfer function are also inherent to a term. Availability of these functions in a term depends on a complex of general linguistic and term-related factors. It has been concluded that all functions performed by lexical units of a commonly used language are inherent to terms as well.


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