Biblical vocabulary of the Modern Literary Hindi language and its formation methods
the modern literary Hindi language, derivational method, texts of biblical origin, a derivational affix, a derivative, a prefix, a suffixAbstract
The article displays the derivational methods of nouns and adjectives in the modern literary Hindi languge. The determination of the productivity of word-formation processes of the modern literary Hindi language is carried out on the basis of prefix, suffix, prefix-suffix methods of word-formation and stem-formation. To cover the topic of the proposed research, the author analyzes the scientific works of Ukrainian, European and Indian linguists to reveal the concepts of «derivational processes» in language, «biblicality» in linguistic culture. The scientists conclude that the lexical system of a language, including the biblical
language, reflects the mentality and culture of a particular ethnic group and its perception of the world. The paper also considers the typological features of the word-formation methods of the modern literary Hindi language and offers the comparative characteristics of suffixes and prefixes, semantic and structural features of the biblical origin vocabulary based on the works of Ukrainian, European and Asian linguistics. The author finds out that the study of the biblical vocabulary of the modern literary Hindi language determines the national and cultural patterns of the Hindi speakers in India, Christians in particular, who use the biblical origin vocabulary in everyday life. The research establishes the most productive derivatives for the formation of nouns and adjectives, as well as active word-formation methods of nouns and adjectives of the biblical origin of the modern literary Hindi language. The scientific research identifies the main derivational methods of nouns and adjectives that have a systematic functioning in the biblical text of the modern literary Hindi language. The results of the research prove that the variety of prefixes and suffixes of the Bible lexicon in the modern literary Hindi language indicates its dynamic development.
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