Translation strategies in the process of conveying neologisms, abbreviations and acronyms in English language computer texts




abbreviations, acronyms, translation, information and communication technology, computer neologisms, computer reduction


The rapid advancement of technology gave rise to the emergence of numerous neologisms that have permeated various languages, with a particular emphasis on personal computers. This research still remains relevant as ongoing technological advancements continue to shape language usage. Translation of computer messages and the terms that make them up – abbreviations, acronyms, etc. – remains a crucial area of study. Thus, this article aims to examine the usage of acronyms and abbreviations in English language computer texts, identify patterns in their frequency, and characterize the diverse categories in which they appear. Special attention is given to translating computer abbreviations. The present paper employs a comparative analysis of the structural, semantic and functional characteristics of English acronyms and abbreviations, facilitating a contrast of these lexical units and the identification of defining characteristics. The descriptiveanalytical approach and continuous sampling method were also used to illustrate the research findings. The
most effective approaches identified for conveying English language computer abbreviations and acronyms include direct translation of the full form of the abbreviation, finding equivalent shortenings in the target language, transcoding, transliteration, descriptive translation and loan translation. The author highlights the significance of context awareness and appropriate interpretation in light of the fact that some acronyms and abbreviations have multiple meanings, and some of which may be lexically opposed to the required one. Given the distinctive features of computer texts characterized by a specific structure and abundance of computer neologisms, particularly acronyms and abbreviations, stemming from the rapid evolution of information and communication technologies, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the production and translation of computer acronyms and abbreviations. 


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