Translation specifics of English language comics into Ukrainian




communicative semantics, narrative discourse, English language comic, verb, noun, adverb, adjective, pragmatic orientation


The article addresses the issue of translating comics, a special type of text characterized by a high degree of visuality and textuality. The research is aimed at studying the linguistic aspects of translating multimodal comic narratives, particularly English language comics, into Ukrainian in order to preserve their
comic potential and effective communication with the audience. Having analyzed numerous approaches to the translation of comic speech, the authors identify key factors that influence the preservation of the pragmatic effect and emotional sphere of the original. Additionally, they focus on the main linguistic and stylistic tools used in multimodal comic narratives, analyze various approaches to the translation of multimodal comic narratives, determine the impact of applied linguistic and parasemic tools on the perception of emotional and informative effect, and explore the specifics in translating various genres of comics. There was employed a combined methodological approach, which includes the analysis of linguistic and stylistic aspects of multimodal comic narratives, a comparative analysis of translations, as well as experimental studies on the audience’s perception of the emotional and informative effect. Overall, the article helps deepen the understanding of the translation process and approaches to preserving the emotional and informative effect in comics, contributing to further research and practical application in the field of stylistics and translation studies.


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