Translation of English Subject-Predicate constructions in BBC News Ukraine headlines




translation pattern, English Subject-Predicate construction, headline, BBC News


The aim of this paper is to identify the patterns of translating English Subject-Predicate constructions in BBC News Ukraine’s news headlines using constructionist methodology. Grammaticalized constructions are multi-component structures denoting generalized relations of predication, transitivity, modality, etc. As of now, one of the most prevalent types of grammaticalized constructions is considered to be Subject-Predicate constructions defined as an immediate combination of subjects, usually expressed by nouns or pronouns, and predicates of diverse semantics. The novelty of the research consists in the finding that English Subject-Predicate constructions are typically translated in the Ukrainian headlines according to the following three patterns: interpretive, perspectivational switch, and elliptical. The first of the three translation patterns –interpretive – pressupposses adding versatile predicates with the semantics of previous or subsequent action as well as of consequence; participial constructions referring to physical actions; or subordinate relative clauses indicating supplementary activities of referents nudging the target readership to open the news texts and read them to the very end. According to the perspectivational switch pattern, the focus of attention usually shifts from the patient in the original to the agent in the translation or from the consequents of events to their beginnings by replacing the passive voice with the active form. In conformity with the third translation pattern – the elliptical one – English Subject-Predicate constructions of informing are rendered into Ukrainian by simplified predicative structures with a similar meaning or denote emotional reactions of referents using metonymy.


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