Structural and semantic features of Turkish language cultures (based on the material of the cartoon “Nasreddin Hodja: The Time Traveler”)
Turkish animation discourse, linguistic and cultural analysis, linguocultural studies, linguoculturemeAbstract
The article presents a comprehensive study of the structural and semantic aspects of the Turkish language animation discourse to reveal the relationship between speech media, cultural contexts and the perception of information by respondents. The analysis focuses on the linguistic and cultural elements of the cartoon “Nasreddin Hodja: The Time Traveler”. The author examines the semantic and structural features of the linguistic culture, and the linguistic and cultural factors that influence the perception and interpretation of the work. The article highlights the specific language tools, symbols, and myths used to
reflect national identity and cultural context. Animated discourse is defined as a complex communicative phenomenon of film discourse. This study marks the first in Ukrainian Turkology to investigate the use of speech means and communicative strategies in Turkish language animated discourse and the influence of cultural factors on the perception of information. The implementation of the Turkish language animation discourse has a certain specificity, determined both by the grammar of the Turkish language and by contextual factors such as the features of the censorship system of Turkey and the worldview of the Turkish people. A linguocultural approach has been employed to analyze Turkish language cartoons. This study has developed a comprehensive methodology for the linguocultural analysis of cartoons, encompassing the examination and classification of linguocultural elements. The research findings are useful for an in-depth study of the Turkish language in the context of animation.
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