
  • Зоя Орестівна Валюх Київський національний лінгвістичний університет, Ukraine
  • Ірина Олександрівна Коробова Державний економіко-технологічний університет транспорту, Ukraine



new borrowings, derivative potential, word formation capacity, derivation, word forming basis, derivative


Introduction. Lexical and semantic system of any language is constantly changing under
the influence of lingual and extralingual factors. One of such factors is the appearance of new
borrowings as special lexical layer of the language. Studying the borrowings’ word formation
peculiarities is rather actual task in modern Ukrainian linguistics. Purpose. The paper aims
to analyze word forming force of new borrowings in modern Ukrainian and establish lingual
and extralingual factors influencing their derivative capacity. Methods. The given research
is grounded on the analytical and descriptive method, which includes observation, generalization,
and typology of the factual material. Results. It has been proved that new borrowings, which
do not decline and have rather weak derivative capacity, comprise certain semantic and structural
group in lexical system of modern Ukrainian language. On the criterion of their gender
differentiation the paper illustrates the derivative force of new borrowings which serve as the basis
for the formation of different parts of speech derivations. Special attention is paid to the lingual
and extralingual factors which predetermine derivative potential of new borrowings as means
of word formation. Conclusion. Borrowed words reveal their word formation capacity differently. Some of them are rather productive and realize their derivative options in new formed nouns,
adjectives and verbs. The rest of them show their zero productive capacity. Main factors influencing
the derivative force of new borrowings are the followings: lexical and grammatical semantics,
phonomorphemic structure, the level of word formation, the duration of their functioning
in the language, frequency of their usage.


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ВК – Вечірній Київ.

Д – День.

ІЗ – Іменем закону.

Закон і бізнес.




