
  • Євгенія Миколаївна Бєліцька Горлівський інститут іноземних мов ДВНЗ “Донбаський державний педагогічний університет”, Ukraine



hypocoristics, proper names, vocative, iconism, isomorphism, motivation


Introduction. One of the tasks of modern linguistics is to build a dynamic model
of the human language through the analysis of functionally motivated linguistic units, which,
in particular, include hypocoristic names – a non-unofficial (short) variants of a personal
name, used mainly for communication purposes. The analysis of the formal and semantic
structure of hypocoristic names, studying their functional features in comparison with those of
the official (full) names will make it possible to get closer to the understanding of the lingual
status of the proper name. The purpose of the paper is to examine hypocoristic names in
the languages of the same and different structure in order to clarify the common features and
discuss the obtained results to confirm or deny the hypothesis of their own place in onomastic
subsystem of language. Methods. Typological method is used in the paper. Results: hypocoristic
names are frequently used in English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese, and
Persian languages in three main models: monosyllabic, disyllabic and reduplicative. There
are vivid commonalities among the languages under analysis which could be due to the
communicative function of hypocoristics in vocatives. Vocative discourse is where hypocoristics
work their way to the language structure. A vivid example of the process is the Russian
truncated vocative which broadens the scope of its function from originally short names to
full names and positions outside vocative discourse. Hypocoristics whose zone of production
is vocative discourse are neutral to morphological-syntactic indices. However, the mind
processes short forms of the name in accordance with the general processes that are at the
heart of the linguistic organization and human communication. The main of such processes is
iconism – the motivation of a linguistic form. The main way of handling hypocoristics is an
iconic diagram – a systematic organization of signs, which are not necessarily similar to their
referents, but whose interconnection reflects their relation to the referents. Conclusion. The
hypothesis was confirmed but further investigation is to be continued.


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