
  • О. М. КАГАНОВСЬКА Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine



conceptual approach, textual concept, megaconcept, implication / explication


Introduction. Analysis of the texts belonging to the mid of the XXth century manifests the deviation from the formal characterization of textual phenomena. The paper stresses upon the internal and external links between those that are actually verbalized in the text and those
that are minded. The paper suggests a new comprehensive semantic and cognitive approach to the interpreting of the textual concepts in French literary prose at semantic, metasemiotic and metametasemiotic levels with special focus on revealing the cognitive and communicative dynamics of the unfolding textual concepts viewed through textual implication and explication.

Purpose. The paper aims at revealing the implications and explications of textual concepts in French literary prosaic texts of the mid of the XXth century.

Methods. The paper grounds on conceptual analysis, textual analysis, modelling the imaginary space, and narrative analysis.

Results. Such approach allows to create a hierarchy of textual concepts and define their functions in the mid of the XXth century French novels. The tendency towards negativity of textual concepts at all levels of their hierarchy, and the functions of their integration, differentiation
and individualization in the novels under consideration are determined.

Conclusions. Text forming function of textual concepts actualized in literary text is predetermined with the boundaries of metareality as total semantic space of the texts. Double nature of textual concepts is explained by interconnection of mental and lingual levels.

It is just mental level at which images, which embody cultural values and world understanding, are formed. Lingual level of textual concept mirrors the reality with the help of language and speech expressive means. Textual concepts objectivize the idea and message of the text. The paper
proves that super categorization as ground feature of the textual concepts helps to construe the conceptual context that puts the text out of certain time and space.


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