
  • Н. К. КРАВЧЕНКО Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine



linguistic ecocentrism, ecocentric metadiscourse, institutional discourses, invariance of parameters


Introduction. The paper focuses on the principle of linguistic ecocentrism specified both as a discursive mechanism of the human consciousness ecologization, which determines the invariant parameters of various institutional discourses, and as a new vector of a functional
paradigm associated with overcoming anthropocentrism.

Purpose. The research aims at defining the anthropocentrism as a meta-discursive principle of various institutional discourses in view of the invariance and correlation of their cognitive, semiotic, pragmatic parameters embodied with the notion of ecocentric meta-discourse. To achieve the purpose, we have applied the methodology composing of the inquiry subject’s characterizations including its observations in scientific studies and subsequent definition, as well as hypotheses and predictions about the inquiry subject’s structure, manifestations and

The major results refer to the interpretation of the linguistic ecocentrism as the principle of harmonious coexistence of the human with the environment, reflected by various institutional discourses. This principle both influences the ecologization of linguistics of the XXI century and changes its research priorities, principles and instruments providing further integration of cognitive-discursive, cognitive semiotic, sociocognitive, cognitive-pragmatic studies in order to comprehend the strategic, behavioral, cognitive, verbal and non-verbal human practices as the noospheric factors in the development of civilization. The article introduces the concept and outlines the prospects for studying the ecocentric meta-discourse as a prototype cognitive-semiotic model of various institutional discourses with explicit or implicit ecocentric component.

Conclusion. The principle of linguistic eco-centrism is the structure-forming property of the “ecocentric metadiscourse”, which is constituted by the prototype cognitive, semiotic, pragmatic parameters while specifying and developing the knowledge and values about the harmonious coexistence of man with the surrounding world – nature, society, linguistic-cultural
and transcultural communities.


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