
  • О. М. КАГАНОВСЬКА Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine




concept, megaconcept, French prose, implication / explication, verb, retrospective


Introduction. Analysis of the texts belonging to the mid of the XXth century manifests the deviation from the formal characterization of textual phenomena. The paper suggests a new
comprehensive semantic and cognitive approach to textual concepts of French literary prose at semantic, metasemiotic and metametasemiotic levels.
Purpose. The paper aims at revealing the morphosyntactic features of the textual concepts in French literary prosaic texts of the mid of the XXth century.
Methods. The paper grounds on conceptual analysis, textual analysis, modelling the imaginary space theory, and narrative analysis.
Results. Comprehensive semantic and cognitive approach allows to create a hierarchy of textual concepts and define their functions in the mid of the XXth century French novels. The research focuses on revealing the cognitive and communicative dynamics in the unfolding textual concepts viewed through textual implication and explication. Such approach allows
to create a hierarchy of the textual concepts and define their functions in the mid- XXth century French novels.
Conclusions. Text forming function of textual concepts actualized in literary text is predetermined with the boundaries of metareality as total semantic space of the texts. Double nature of textual concepts is explained by interconnection of mental and lingual levels. It is approved the tendency of textual concepts development in morphosyntactic aspect (verbs, verbs
constructions, retrospective tense) at all levels of their hierarchy, and the functions of their integration, differentiation and individualization in the novels under consideration are determined.
The paper proves that super categorization as ground feature of the textual concepts helps to construe the conceptual context that puts the text out of certain time and space.
In interpreting the communicative dynamics of folding the textual concepts in French literary prosaic texts of the mid of the XXth century the paper reveals such lingual means of text formation, which coincide with the narrative structure of literary text. Morphological aspect of this process is predetermined by usage the verbs and grammar tenses, retrospective one
in particular. Syntactic aspect is realized by rhetoric questions and author’s remarks.


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