term, term derivation, analytizing, synthetizing, linguistic discourseAbstract
Introduction. The relevance of the proposed article is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the signs of synthetism and analytism in modern Ukrainian literary language, in particular, on the material of linguistic terminology. This will make it possible to clarify the informationon the relation between synthetism and analyticity in the modern Ukrainian language, as well as to clarify the peculiarities of modern Ukrainian terminology, which is constantly searching for the most effective ways of nominating scientific concepts. To find out the relation between
synthetism and analytism is important not only for the exact typological qualification of the language, but above all for ascertaining the priority trends in its development.
The purpose. The paper aims at the studying of the correlation between synthetism and analytism in modern Ukrainian linguistic terminology.
Methods. The investigation is grounded on the observation method and descriptive method, structural method (for the analysis of the structure of terms) and the method of functional analysis (to determine the functional advantages of the terms).
Results. The article proves the productivity of analytical linguistic terms, since they reveal a number of advantages, in particular a high degree of semantic accuracy of the nomination of the scientific concept; motivation; less probability of polysemy development, which is not desirable for terminology; a high level of semantic connections that promote hierarchy and systematization of terminology.
Despite the dominance of analytical terms in contemporary Ukrainian linguistic discourse, a tendency towards their synthetizing is revealed, which is manifested in the emergence of one-word correspondences, terms-composites and abbreviations. The paper proves: synthetizing of terms-phrases are promoted by the communicative needs of speech dynamics, as well as the fact that it corresponds to the dominant synthetic models of Ukrainian word-formation.
Conclusion. The author emphasizes that neither synthetizing nor analytizing is a purely positive or purely negative trend. Analytical terms provide semantic transparency, clarity, academic presentation, synthetic – contribute to the dynamics of communication. The choice of a synthetic or analytical model of a term in linguistic discourse depends on the pragmatic intentions of the speaker, his stylistic preference.
The paper suggests practical recommendations to avoid as excessive analytical cumbersome term construction, as well as ambiguous synthetic terms.
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