
  • І. О. КОРОБОВА National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, Ukraine




newest borrowings, neo-borrowings, newest English loanwords, lexicalsemantic group, range of use, stages of development, semantic development


Introduction. Ukrainian language does not develop in isolation. It is influenced by other languages in all areas of linguistic communication, which is demonstrated by the presence of borrowings serving as one of the most powerful means of replenishing its vocabulary. Extensive use of loanwords and expansion of their structural and semantic types in the Ukrainian vocabulary in the beginning of the 21st century call for their continuous registration and a comprehensive study.
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to study the lexical and semantic adaptation of the latest English borrowings, to study the stages of their development, application and features of functioning in the modern Ukrainian language.
Methods. In the process of researching the newest words of English origin, the thematic classification method has been used, which has contributed to the distribution of the newest borrowings into lexical and semantic groups. The newest English loanwords have been captured by the method of continuous sampling, that is, by selecting borrowings in the order of their detection in the texts of the source base of the study. A functional approach has been applied, which made it possible to identify the functioning of the newest loanwords.
Results. It has been found out that the process of mastering the newest borrowings in the Ukrainian language is carried out step-by-step. Intensive introduction and functioning of the newest borrowings in the Ukrainian language is due to many linguistic and non-linguistic factors. Intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic factors are different in nature, impact and intensity of manifestation, but they act in any language in close interaction, rather than separately.
By the type of use, the newest English borrowings form two groups in the Ukrainian language.
These are lexemes with a wide scope of application and lexical units with a narrow scope of application. The widely used newest words of English origin include words with their inherent high frequency of use in Ukrainian speech. A group of English loanwords with a narrow scope of use is structured by words, the specificity of which lies in the fact that they are used by separate groups of people related by professional activities. English slangisms and occasionalisms distinguished by sentiments and stylistic markings are also part of this group.
Conclusion. English loanwords prevail among neo-borrowings that have fallen into Ukrainian directly or through other languages. The dominant group in their composition is formed by direct borrowings. This is primarily due to the influence of globalization processes and increased interest of the Ukrainians in learning English. Wide introduction of newest words of English origin into the Ukrainian vocabulary has resulted in the emergence of interrelated extra-linguistic and intra-linguistic factors, though different in nature, impact and magnitude.
The newest English loanwords at the present stage of development of Ukrainian society have entered almost all spheres of life. Some of them are not yet fully mastered by linguistic consciousness and are not fixed in Ukrainian dictionaries, but they are already widely used in language communication.


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Д – День (щоденна всеукраїнська газета)

ЗМР – Збірник методичних рекомендацій з викриття злочинів у сфері економіки (документування та викриття злочинів у сфері інтелектуальної власності та комп’ютерних технологій)

ІЗ – Іменем закону (громадсько-правовий тижневик)

М – Моменти (додаток до тижневика МВС України “Іменем Закону”)

П – Птаха (молодіжний журнал)

УМ – Україна молода (щоденна інформаційно-політична газета)




