
  • О. М. ДАНИЛЕВСЬКА Institute of the Ukrainian language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine



language loyalty, native language, state language, language rights, language situation in school education, linguistic consciousness of teenagers


Introduction. Comparison of the results of mass surveys in 2006 and 2017 shows the dynamics of the language situation in Ukraine due to the change of views on the function and usage of language itself. These changes give grounds for the conclusion about the “lag” of language policy measures from the attitudes of society, especially in the introduction of language regime in schools, the mandatory use of the Ukrainian language as official one in extracurricular activities, the possession of it by all teachers and heads of Ukrainian educational establishments.
Purpose. To reveal the means of the realization of values in the language of modern Ukrainian teenager.
Methods. The research is based on the analysis of adolescents' comments to the open questions of the sociolinguistic questionnaire, which they filled in personally during the targeted survey: the questionnaire surveys were conducted in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Bila Tserkva, Poltava,
Cherkasy in the spring of 2014; 500 questionnaires were collected.
Results. Analysis of the responses of adolescents shows that their attitude to the language is determined by common stereotypes in the public consciousness and that this attitude almost does not affect their speech behavior, which is determined, at the formal level, by school rules, and at informal – by generally accepted in the adolescent behavioral models. In the linguistic world-image of modern Ukrainian teenagers, native language concept is divided mainly into three components, namely: 1) the official language (the language of the state teenager lives in); 2) the language of the nation, historical and cultural heritage; 3) the language of family communication. Compared to adult speakers, teenagers do not correlate the concept of their native language with the functional first language.
In the linguistic consciousness of adolescents, “native language” concept is often layered on the concept of “state language”. At the same time, teenagers express arguments that certify a tolerant attitude to linguistic diversity and understanding of the need to distinguish between the spheres of public and private communication. The attitude to language as one of the most important characteristics of the individual is common.
The understanding of “native language” and “state language” concepts became clear when high school students answered the question about their linguistic rights in school.
Conclusion. Language in the minds of young people refers to the undeniable values of individual and collective nature. In their own language behavior, students clearly distinguish official and unofficial styles of using their vocabulary.


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