
  • Н. Г. ХОДАКОВСЬКА Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine



language norm, descriptive norm, prescriptive norm, explicit norm, implicit norm


Introduction. The linguistic norm is a defining feature of literary language at all stages of its development. This linguistic phenomenon is characterized by complexity and multidimensionality predetermined by internal and external conditionality of language development. It explains
insufficient research of the language norm. Every language realizes the implicit and explicit norm. A codified component of the latter is referred to as a prescriptive norm and non-codified one is labeled as descriptive.
Purpose. The article focuses on determining the status of prescriptive and descriptive norms in linguistics.
Methods. The paper applies linguistic methods and techniques, including descriptive analysis, as well as methods of comparison, classification, and generalization.
Results. The research shows that the descriptive norm creates selection of already existing speech facts, based on the usage and the prescriptive norm. The descriptive standard (Ist-Norm) in German is related to the rules of a written language, rules of pronunciation and oral language.
The spelling norm of the German language is always prescriptive, and the orthoepic norm is, on the contrary, descriptive, except for the media and public style. The process of German orthoepic norm codification is fostered by two trends. The representatives of the first movement consider
the norm of pronunciation as an ideal and understand it as a prescriptive norm. Their opponents believe that the process of codification is descriptive. The prescriptive norm is ideal. Generally, the prescriptive approach covers the issues on standards in pronunciation, syntax, correct
stylistic use of lexical means. The prescriptive norm is labelled as a “regulatory norm” because it has passed its own way, and is considered as fixed one in a form for a certain period of time and regulates the use of linguistic means in speech. The frame construction is part of the prescriptive norm (Soll-Norm) of the German language, is characterized by a high degree of representation in texts of different styles and performs structural-syntactic and communicative-pragmatic functions in the sentence.
Conclusion. The descriptive norm represents various possibilities of a particular language system, accepted and implemented by the linguistic society of the world. Characteristic features of the descriptive norm are as follows: its determinism, development in the process of change and simultaneously with the change in the language system, variability. The properties of the prescriptive norm are codification, awareness and obligation for all speakers, taking into account social status. In German, prescriptive (prдskriptive) and descriptive (deskriptive) rules are called Regeln rules.


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