
  • Л. В. ВАРЧУК Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine



literary image, narrator’s typology, narrative, ethno-cultural narrative, Amerindian prose


Introduction. After the era of the pre-Renaissance period, which characterized the development of Amerindian fiction, was changed by the Renaissance era of Amerindian culture, creativity of Amerindian writers of the XX - XXI centuries was widely recognized and attracted the attention of literary critics, ethnologists, culturologists and linguists. As the works
of contemporary Amerindian writers reflect the peculiarities of Amerindian worldview, the national color of mythopoetics, knowledge of the culture and traditions of ethnicity conveyed in the text through the image of narrator, who is the representative of Amerindian culture.
The issues of narrative organization, as well as the typology of narrators in prosaic texts, have not been fully studied at present, but more and more attaract the attention of researchers throughout the world (U. Margulini, W. Schmid, D. Shen, M.-L. Ryan, I. Behta, O. Tkachuk, S. Volkova and
others) and are taken as the theoretical ground in our work.
Purpose. The paper aims at identification and linguistic description of the types of narrators in contemporary Amerindian prose.
Methods. A combination of methods, such as linguoculturological, linguosemiotic and narrative approaches to the study of literary image in prosaic text, is applied in the work for realization its tasks.
Results. In identifying the types of narrators in Amerindian prosaic texts we singled out: a narrator-mask, a narrator-ornamentalist, a narrator-skatcher. The paper presents the interpretation of lingual means, which characterize and identify the distinguished types of narrators.
Conclusion. Based on the integrity of complex of methods, such as linguoculturological, linguosemiotic and narrative analyses, it is concluded that the type of narrator in Amerindian prosaic text is based on ethnical identity of the author which is realized by interpretation of the lingual means, which express ethnocultural worldview and his perception of the events and objects of literary world. The paper gives the typology of the narrators in the analyzed texts.
So, such types of narrators as narrator-mask, narrator-ornamentalist and narrator-sketcher are interpreted and characterized. The perspective of our work is in linguocultural, linguosemiotic and narrative modelling of the types of narrators in contemporary Amerindian prose.


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