language picture of the world, conceptual picture of the world, concept, culture, referenceAbstract
Introduction. The paper focuses on the problem of interconnection of the conceptual and language pictures of the world in the intercultural representation of artistic translation. With the expanding of international links and mental rapprochement between different cultures’ representatives, the problem of the artistic translation, which is understood as the reproduction of the referentiality of concepts in target text with saving the empts of cultural values in a source text, becomes more and more topical.Purpose. The aim of the paper is to reveal the invariant factors for the mutual influence of the thinking way of the conceptualized reality and its language explication; to disclose the role of a logical thinking as a key for recognizing of the semantic universals in the language picture
of the world.
Methods. The main methods applied in the given investigation are the general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), the linguistic methods (the method of description, the method of comparison and contrasting) and the methods, which are applied
in the translation studies (methods of making analogies in source and target texts, methods of transformations and characterizations).
Results. The paper outlined that the verbalization of the conceptual picture of the world is determined by social and cultural factors, as well as the language picture of the world reflects the way of thinking in the process of getting an agreement between representatives of different cultures. The generality of logical thinking organizes the knowledge into one conceptual picture as the basis for the formation of the semantic universals for the creation of the world pictures of different languages. The cases of the concepts transcendence and the pragmatic strategy of artistic translation are examined separately.
Conclusion. Based on our analysis, we have got the following outcomes: the author (translator as well) is a channel of the expression of the national mentality and thinking method in conceptualizing the world due to his choice of stylistic means of artistic representation the reality; linguistic concepts-elements for the logical comprehension of reality form the invariant and thinking filling of the conceptual picture of the world and a basis for coincidence of associative recipients’ reactions in different languages.
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