Multicomponent structure of conflictive in modern English fictional discourse




conflictive, multimodality, multicomponent structure, semiosis, English fiction discourse


The current paper presents an overview of the multicomponent structure of conflictives as discursive constructs in modern English fictional discourse from the standpoint of pragmalinguistics, semiotics, multimodal discourse theory and paradigmatic and syntagmatic approach to the analysis of linguistic
units. The article elucidates the results of a linguosemiotic study of interpersonal conflicts in modern fictional discourse realized through the analysis of different multimodal semiotic modes, which collectively construct the meaning, communicated in conflict situations. This constructing is proceeded with the help of conflictives as emergent discursive constructs. Verbal, nonverbal and graphic semiotic resources are involved in this process at different stages of conflict communication. As a result of the multifaceted study of conflictives in modern English fictional discourse, the peculiarities of its multimodal and multicomponent structure have been revealed. Moreover, the detailed study of the successive stages of conflict development in fictional discourse involving the MDA method, linguosemiotic analysis, pragmatics and communicative linguistics allowed for singling out a conflictive as a discursive construct which in its form coincides with a certain phase of conflict communicative process, and structurally corresponds to the concept of a communicative act.
The research also aims to establish a link between different approaches to the interpretation of conflict communication development and methods of their research in modern linguistic studies. The multimodal nature of conflictives comprises several modes of multimodality which are represented at least in onemode structure of conflictives constructed in a definite phase of the conflict communicative process. These patterns of meaning multiplication through different semiotic modes collectively construct the meaning, communicated and interpreted in the situations of interpersonal conflicts in modern English
fiction discourse. Besides, the multicomponent structure of conflictives also includes its deep and surface elements involved in the process of construction and interpretation of these meanings. The obtained results show the decoding potential of interpreting conflict interpersonal communication at different
levels of linguistic analysis to achieve the corresponding aims.


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