Linguo-Semiotic Analysis of Ukrainian and French Terminological Collocations with a Somatic Component as a Mode of Searching their Adequate Translation


  • О. В. ГОСУДАРСЬКА Київський національний лінгвістичний університет, Ukraine


analytical term, terminological collocations, somatic component, linguosemiotic analysis, signifier, signified, translation variant, notional adequacy, conformities, equivalents


In this article the author realizes the linguo-semiotic analysis of Ukrainian and French terminological collocations with somatic component головка / tête in machine-building, in particular their signifiers and signifieds are compared and the exact matches for the translation are determined. The main focus is fixed on the need to check the degree of sense adequacy of such terminological collocations that are given as synonymous translation variants in dictionaries. On the basis of studying the original specialized texts the author founds out that Ukrainian analytical terms фрезерна головка, свердлильна головка, довбальна головка, represented in lexicographical sources with several French equivalents, have only one conformity each; the other translation variants are not common in modern French or express related notions.


