
  • Виктория Викторовна Хомич Мінський державний лінгвістичний університет, Belarus




text, associative field, associative structure, semantic core, keyword, association, text-forming function


Introduction. Text-forming function of lexico-stylistic devices in literary texts is always
in the center of philological investigations. The paper focuses on the text-forming function of
associative fields in short story The Legend of the Christmas Tree by L. Wheelock.
Purpose. The paper aims at modelling associative fields, which perform text-forming
function. The main interest is concentrated on a model of the text, which reflects the semantic
links between its verbal-associative fields.
Methods. The research is grounded on the method of contextual analysis, the method
of modelling the semantic fields, theory of imaginary fields, textual interpretative analysis.
Results. The definitions of the word-associative field and the associative field of the text
are presented in the paper. Their lexical content and structure are examined. Key words are
considered as the basis of the text associative field. The paper has the description of the associative
field composed by keywords, as well as the textual associative field of the whole story.
The material for constructing associative fields is the following: the keywords of the text and
the lexical units associated with them on the basis of associative-semantic proximity. The semantic
core of the text, which plays a leading role in the process of text formation is described.
Conclusions. It is proved that none of the associative fields exist separately, all
associations are closely related to each other within the fields, and to the basic idea of the text,
thereby creating its associative structure. The text-forming directions of the associative process
connected with the functioning of verbal-associative fields in the text are revealed. The idea
that the lexicon in the mind of the speaker should be ready for the generation of texts is
onfirmed. The importance of the associative process by text-formation and perception is
analyzed as well as its role in the author's communication with the reader.


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Wheelock, L. The Legend of the Christmas Tree (2006) Взято с http://www.mainlesson.com/display.php?author=bailey&book=hour&story=tree




