Bible, biblical ecoconcept, biblical narration, biblical ecodiscourse, ecoconcept, conceptual ecotopic, conceptual featureAbstract
Introduction. This article examines the key discourse-forming biblical ecoconcepts
of GOD, NATURE, HUMAN BEING, and SOCIETY. In their interrelation they constitute
conceptual ecotopics of the Bible, which reveal the essence of human harmonious existence
in the God’s created world. The paper focuses on defining conceptual ecotopics relying upon
the notion of reconstrual as an interpretation of biblical narrations’ conceptual content by applying
R. Langacker’s cognitive operations of prominence, profiling, and trajector / landmark alignment.
Purpose. The paper aims at identifying the main conceptual ecotopics of English biblical
Methods. The methodology of conceptual analysis that integrates elements of contextual,
interpretative, and prototype analyses made it possible to describe each key discourse-forming
biblical ecoconcept as a prototypical ground for ecological subconcepts and conceptual
Results. The paper highlights the conceptual ecotopic “God’s attitude to man” as
a product of the integration involving two key discourse-forming biblical ecoconcepts, those
of GOD and HUMAN BEING. In the story about Israelites crossing the Red Sea the integration
of these ecoconcepts is realized through the ecological subconcept of PUNISHMENT marked
by the conceptual descriptor God’s punishment as a manifestation of God’s will. The latter is
formed by a set of conceptual features actualized in multiple autrecontexts, which represent
the conceptual structure of the respective biblical narrations.
Conclusion. The research proves that the main conceptual ecotopics of English biblical
ecodiscourse come down to the following: “God’s creation of nature”, “God’s creationof
human being (society)”, “Man’s attitude to nature created by God”, “Man’s attitude to family
and society prescribed by God”, “God’s attitude to man”, “Man’s attitude to God”.
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