eco-cognitive approach, evaluation concept, evaluation category, ecolinguistics, bioсognitive theory, cognitionAbstract
This article deals with the development of eco-cognitive approach to the investigation of evaluation concept
in modern linguistics. Linguistic ecology relates to the field of complex and multifaceted phenomena of culturological
and humanitarian character. It examines the peculiarities of language research approaches as an instrument of
harmonious lifestyle of the people as well as an important means of social contact in the international research
and creation of evaluative worldview.
This paper discusses the eco-сognitive foundations of evaluation concept. It examines the peculiarities
of language research approaches as an instrument of harmonious lifestyle of the people as well
as an important means of creation of evaluative worldview. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate
the eсo-cognitive grounds of evaluation category. The paper grounds on theses and techniques
of evaluation, cognitive, eco-cognitive and biocognitive theories.
Ecolinguistics as a research field that combines ecology and linguistics studies the interaction
between language, human being as a language personality and his environment. The anthropocentric
and eco-centric lines may be distinguished as reasonable forms in the development of contemporary
humanitarian sciences for the reason that they establish different interpretations in investigating
development and outcomes of human activity. Axiological aspect of natural environment preservation
has contradicted the anthropocentric outlook, as a result the principles of ecological ethics are thought
to be much more important for the issue of human survival than anthropocentric ideals of value.
Evaluation is a fundamental constituent of cognition, which is based on a value approach
to the phenomena of nature and society. So, person's activity and life as of a human being having
different requirements, interests and objectives is impossible without estimation. The paper looks
at the evaluation concept as the formation which consists of a nucleus, which is the custodian
of the collective knowledge of a particular people, and a periphery that is filled by the subjective
representations of the native speaker of that language. The evaluation concept is an independent mental
formation that is culturally specified. It is considered to be a part of the conceptual and language
worldview of a certain linguocultural community, and can be defined as their structural component.
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