The role of context and relevance in translating European Union texts




translation studies, pragmatics, cognitive context, relevance theory, context


The article presents the nature and legitimacy of translation studies; it examines the function of a translator, its role during the translation process and the generated linguistic product from the point of view of cognitive pragmatics. In the present study we are looking for the answer to what factors influence the translator in his/her activity, what aspects he/she keeps in mind, how relevance theory prevails in translation, what role the current context, target audience and readers’ prior knowledge have in interpreting the translated text. In order to answer the questions, in the first part we summarize the opinions published in the literature, then we examine our hypothesis with the method of structural discourse analysis in relation to three languages (English, German, Hungarian) in EU texts, according to which, despite the European Union’s language policy aspirations, similarities and differences can be noticed depending on what the translator considered relevant to highlight. In the examined texts we can find formal, semantic and pragmatic differences according to the levels of identity. In the course of the analysis, we have made an attempt to highlight the semantic and pragmatic similarities and the differences between the versions, the factors which may cause them, and also their connection with the cognitive context, relevance and the general context. As a first step, we identified the different parts of the texts, and then the reason for the differences was revealed during the analysis. The aim is therefore to support our hypothesis and to illustrate with linguistic examples that context and relevance are central to translation.


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Europeans united in diversity / Die Europäer: in Vielfalt vereint / Sokszínûségben egyesült Európa (

Europe Day – EU Open Doors ( / Europatag — Die EU öffnet ihre Tore ( / Európa-nap – Uniós nyílt napok (

The European flag ( / Die Flagge der Europäischen Union ( de.htm) / Az európai zászló ( index_hu.htm)





