Wordplay in Spanish and Ukrainian ergonyms: ways of creation and functions





ergonym, commercial name, wordplay, word creation, occasionalism, functions of ergonyms, functions of wordplay


The paper focuses on wordplay in the ergonymic names of Madrid, Malaga, Cadiz, Salamanca, Kyiv, Chernihiv and Odesa. The aim of the research is to study ways of creation of wordplay in ergonyms. The author suggests the term словогра / wordplay in Ukrainian and analyses lexico-semantic, grammatical, phonetic, graphic ways of wordplay in Spanish and Ukrainian ergonyms. The material of the study is ergonymic names (names of restaurants, cafés, shops, hairdressing salons / barbershops) of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Odesa, Madrid, Salamanca, Malaga and Cadiz. The research methods applied embrace lexico-semantic, lexico-grammatical, phonetic and graphic analyses of Ukrainian and Spanish ergonyms. Among lexico-semantic means of wordplay formation we single out metaphors, pseudo-paronyms as ways of creation of allusive names. Phonetic means of wordplay creation include alliteration, assonance, rhyme. Graphic means of wordplay creation feature capitalization, paragraphemic signs, use of letters instead of words inside the name. Lexico-grammatical and syntactic ways of wordplay creation in ergonyms are represented by regrouping of syllables, in particular, in the names with the structure of a word combination. The author reveals there are more verb ergonyms in Spanish compared to Ukrainian, where nominative ergonyms are predominant. The distinctive feature of Ukrainian ergonymics is the combination of Cyrillic and Latin letters in one name or writing foreign words in Cyrillic. Wordplay with a humorous effect is more characteristic of Ukrainian ergonyms. It is stated that the main function of wordplay in ergonyms is expressive nomination to attract clients’ attention. Further studies may comprise analysis of wordplay in ergonyms in other regions to reveal local tendencies of wordplay creation and inclination to humour in word formation.


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Ваш гид по ресторанам страны. Tomato. Взято из https://tomato.ua/chernigov/

Лучшие рестораны, бары и клубы в Киеве. Tripadvisor. Взято из https://www.tripadvisor.ru/Restaurants-g294474-zfg11776-Kyiv_Kiev.html

Магазины и торговые центры Киева. Tripadvisor. Взято из https://www.tripadvisor.ru/Attractions-g294474-Activities-c26-oa30-Kyiv_Kiev.html

Парикмахерские Киева. Взято из https://barb.ua/kiev-parikmakherskie

Парикмахерские Чернигова. Взято из http://map.cn.ua/catalog/krasota_i_uhod/parikmaherskie/

Рестораны Одессы. Tripadvisor. Взято из https://www.tripadvisor.ru/Restaurants-g295368-Odessa_Odessa_Oblast.html

peluquerías en Cádiz. Recuperado de https://www.uala.es/peluquerias/cadiz/

Cafés in Madrid. Tripadvisor. Recuperado de https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurants-g187514-c8-Madrid.html

Cafés in Malaga. Tripadvisor. Recuperado de https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurants-g187438-c8-Malaga_Costa_del_Sol_Province_of_Malaga_Andalucia.html

Cafés in Salamanca. Tripadvisor. Recuperado de https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurants-g187493-c8-Salamanca_Province_of_Salamanca_Castile_and_Leon.html




