Language representation of person of culture image




person of culture, person of culture image, language representation, language means, cultural code, social and cultural realities


The article deals with the study of different levels and means of language representation of the person of culture image as one of the key concepts of modern socio-cultural discourse that is the core in the system of worldviews and embodies society values.
The research considers language and culture interaction in the individual and national context based on culturological approach. It shows that language and culture are closely related categories coexisting on the principle of joint development and interdependence. The main language tools of transmitting cultural experience proved to be lexical, grammatical, pragmatical and stylistic means reflecting social ideals, values, concepts and cultural codes.
The study of cultural connotation of language means reveals the role of language in the person of culture image formation as a value category constructing a dynamic system of ideal concepts. The author concludes that the person of culture image, predominantly as a form of collective reflection, is defined by social and cultural realities, the representation of which is impossible beyond language as it is a set of language means, which conveys the sense of this concept.
The analysis of the person of culture image in the linguo-culturological aspect allowed to define and characterize its main features, such as conceptuality; standard; representation through social narratives, the basis for which is provided by creators – architects of material and spiritual values; dependence on ethnic mentality, social and cultural realities fixed in language and thus – dynamics, combination of stable, invariant and variable features.


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