



valence, actant, syntactic construction, context, proposal, distribution, artistic text


The paper examines the development of the theory of valence of the French verb from L. Tesnière to
the present day, elucidates the relationship between distribution and valence, reveals the conditions for
realizing potential valence in the context of modern French artistic prose works, elucidates characteristic
syntactic constructions for the realization of non-valent, univalent, divalent, trivalent and tetravalent verbs.
The purpose of the article is to outline the reasons and regularities of the decrease and increase in the
valence of the French verb in the literary text. The material of the research is the syntactic constructions
of nine novels by Goncourt laureates of the 21st century, which are reference texts of modern French
literary prose. The applied structural research method determined the use of distributive and component
analyses, as well as analysis by direct components. It was found that the potential valence established
according to the distributional characteristics does not often coincide with the realized valence of the
verb in a specific text. The realization of valence is also influenced by the author’s opinion, in particular,
this is manifested in the use of agrammatic constructions and the occasional use of verbs, which is
provoked by a violation of the distributional characteristics and potential valence of verbs in view of
their semantics. The reduction of semantic-syntactic valence in the context of an artistic work is carried
out due to the use of ellipses in the dialogues of the characters, which is caused by the author’s desire
to reproduce oral speech. An increase in semantic and stylistic valence, in particular in causative and
factitive quadrivalent constructions, occurs in the texts of those authors whose style involves the use of
syntactically complicated polypropositional sentences. Research perspectives are determined by the field
of cognitive syntax, in particular by questions of the roles of circumstances and syntactic synonymy, as
well as the reproduction of the prototype of the expressed situation in the distributional characteristics and
realization of the valence of the verb.


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