Nomination features of freelance professions in the Japanese language
freelance, globalization, internationalization,, katakana, “katakana” professions, the concepts uchi (「内」) and soto (「外」)Abstract
The article addresses the linguistic aspects of the “freelance” field as a facet of globalization and internationalization of the late 20th century, focusing specifically on the naming of freelance related professions and their perception in the Japanese language. The study examines the linguistic features
of the “freelance” phenomenon in Japan through the lens of the Japanese katakana alphabet, which is primarily used to notate the loanwords. This analysis considers both linguistic and extralinguistic aspects and the explores the cultural concepts uchi「内」(“inside”) and soto「外」(“outside”). The concept
soto (「外」) is connected to katakana as a symbol of modernization, influencing perception of modern professions, particularly freelance ones, which are often referred to as “katakana professions” due to modern globalization processes. The specific function of katakana, selected from its various roles, serves
as the framework for studying the “freelance” phenomenon in Japan. The research also describes new features of katakana which appeared under the influence of modern internationalization and globalization processes, illustrating the evolution of the extralinguistic aspect of katakana. The author’s classifications present the “freelance” phenomenon from linguistic (patterns of nomination of freelance professions in the Japanese language, models of word formation, etymological component) and extralinguistic perspectives (classification of professions based on their modernity and perception according to semantic and stylistic criteria). These classifications are interrelated, providing a comprehensive view of the “freelance” phenomenon in Japan and the Japanese language from both linguistic and socio-philosophical perspectives. Special attention is given to the so-called “katakana” professions, which have emerged under the influence of modern processes of internationalization and globalization, with many of these professions acquiring freelance characteristics.
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