Existential components of the motive of love in the flash fiction by Halyna Petrosanyak (based on the material of the anthology “Don’t prevent me from saving the world”)





existentialism, motive, narrative reflection, Halyna Petrosanyak, love, existential needs


The article considers the aesthetic nature, artistic specificity of the existential components of the motif of love, which dominates the flash fiction by Halyna Petrosanyak. The study, based on the analysis of the anthology “Don’t prevent me from saving the world”, elucidates the modern transformation of the symbolic archetypal determinant of the universal understanding of love as the highest value in all its manifestations. The author’s reception of the motif of love is analyzed in correlation with Fromm’s interpretation of human existential needs: in establishing connections, in overcoming oneself, in perception
of rootedness, in self-identity, in building a life based on a system of values. It has been demonstrated that according to the writer, love is not merely a mechanical sum of regional and mental oral traditions or religious virtues, but their generalization into universal human realities, which form a dialectical unity of worldview, socio-psychological, and aesthetic principles of harmonious human life. And this constant is more often manifested in borderline situations of despair, hopelessness, where the heroes of her stories find themselves. The author seeks to combine often conflicting truths of various people, nations, cultures, religions, and philosophical views in order to emphasize the importance of love in human existence. The stated topic is inexhaustible and multifaceted, promising to inspire various literary, cultural, and philosophical discussions. This study aims to deepen the understanding of the author’s individual style, reflecting both the human features of the author and the main features of our time. In this period fiction as an art form plays a decisive
role in preserving language, spirituality, and national identity, and remains a promising area in literary discourse.


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