
  • Костянтин Миколайович Іваночко



lexico-semantic processes, heterogenous homonyms-verbatives, stress and homonymic relations, southwestern patois


Introduction. The paper focuses on the correlation of stress and the formation of homonymous relations
in heterogenous process of the III structural class of verbatives in southwestern patois of the Ukrainian
language. It aims at determining the nature of heterogenous homonymy and revealing its correlation with
shifting of stress. Lexical level is constantly enriched due to such processes as hyponymy, partitivity,
equanymy, synonymy, antonymy and conversion. Though of low productivity, homonymy, based on
semantic, phonetic and word-building factors, is the object of the given investigation. Methods. The analysis
is performed on the basis of contrasting lexico-semantic and etymological processes of such derivatives,
which comprise the layer of southwestern patois in Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literary language and
modern Ukrainian. Results. It has been determined that the archisemes of each of them are characteristic of
a certain lexico-semantic processes productivity level, which caused their polysemy. It has been grounded
that heterogenous verbatives-homonyms appearing is considered to be low-productivity lingual phenomena.
Conclusion. Rootedness into pre-Slavonic languages, as well as borrowings from other languages, proximity
of sounds and etymological differences are those extralinguistic and linguistic factors, which cause some
misunderstanding among those who use dialectal words and expressions in their everyday speech, who
compile the corresponding lexicographic dictionaries, paying attention to the changes in their semantics,
phonetics, for instance stress varieties, and their simultaneous substitutions. The final stage of standardizing
homonymic relations among corresponding sememes of the verbatives under analysis came through
withstandability of their accentuation shifting from root to suffix.


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