instructional text, teaching discourse, dynamic characte, educational process, secondary textsAbstract
Introduction. The problem of choosing and selecting the texts used in educational
process is rather actual and caused by teaching tasks in their broad sense. Instructional texts
should be the means for realization a certain amount of educational tasks, such as sociocultural
development of the personality as an active participant of the educational process and bringing
up this personality taking into consideration urgent demands which rise up in the development
of the society. Purpose. The paper aims to ascertain the types and functions of texts used in
teaching discourse and identify their interconnection in realization of educational tasks. Methods.
The paper demonstrates the applying of certain system of methods which aim to compare
structural and semantic, communicative features of the instructional text and teaching discourse.
Results. It is proved that the differentiation of these two concepts is methodologically grounded.
Instructional text is a static phenomenon with the established and complete form, a result of
an activity which under certain conditions provokes another activity – the discourse activity
that stresses the dynamic character of the educational process developed in time and space.
The logics of the teaching discourse initially displays itself on the basis of fixed textual information
(meaningful and formal) that accordingly serves as the basis for creative interpretation of
the text according to the tasks of teaching. In itsturn, discourse activity contributes to the appearance
of so called secondary texts.
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