
  • Олена Олександрівна Тучкова Київський національний лінгвістичний університет, Ukraine



paragraphemic means, nonverbal means, gender identity, pragmatic analysis, narrative, intention


Introduction. One of the tasks of modern gender linguistics is to reveal non-verbal
means that help to construe gender distinctions of the character and the image of the author
as well. Studying the critical literature concerning such aspects as the image of the author,
implied author, author and narrator proved the actuality of the subject of the given investigation.
Critical works’ analysis showed that this facet has not been studied well, there are still a lot of
gaps, as for instance, non-verbal means of author’s image construing. Purpose. The paper aims
to reveal paragraphemic means used by the women writers in French autobiographical novels
and suggest narrative and pragmatic facet of author’s gender identity construing in French
autobiographical novels written by women writers. Methods. To define the functions of
paragraphemic means in author’s gender identity construing the investigation is methodologically
grounded on narrative, pragmatic and stylistic analysis. Results: The paper singles out and
classifies the group of paragraphemic means which help to construe author’s gender identity
in French autobiographical novel written by women-writers. Dominant place among such means
belongs to the pictures breaking the narrative of the novel, the size of narrative, italic means
of accentuating the author’s intention and numbering the abstracts. Conclusion. Paragraphemics
is applied facet in linguistics that studies graphical text organization and the functions of nonverbal means in revealing the author’s intentions. Being restricted in their proper meanings
non-verbal means bound semantic variety of phrase or supra-phrasal units. They introduce
some information in that way as it is supposed to be decoded by the reader. Non-verbal means
help to make the image of the author and construe his/her gender identity.


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