Ukrainian orthography, 2018 Draft Orthography, orthography reform, orthographic rules, phonetical and morphological systemAbstract
Introduction. A part of fundamental phonetical and morphological principles of the Ukrainian language were abolished by the occupation government of Russia in the course of the 1933 orthographic reform. This reform aimed at erasing distinctive features of the Ukrainian orthography and assimilating it into the Russian orthography. The current orthographic rules in Ukraine are based almost completely on the aforesaid centrally imposed changes. On August 15, 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine proposed its Draft Orthography as a step toward restoration of the traditional Ukrainian orthography.
Purpose. The article aims at analysing the 2018 Draft Ukrainian Orthography and the main changes it seeks bringing to the orthographic rules currently in force in terms of their historical roots, and to reveal possible associated issues.
Methods. Secondary research was used for collecting necessary data. Comparative analysis allowed revealing the source of proposed changes in the Ukrainian orthography. Deductive thinking was applied to investigate and assess possible issues.
Results. The detailed consideration of the Draft Orthography has shown that the proposed changes are rooted in the orthographic rules stipulated in pre-1933 editions of the Ukrainian Orthography and academic Ukrainian dictionaries. Bringing these elements back to use and recognizing them officially as correct and inherent of the Ukrainian language system should
be seen as indispensable for subsequent harmonious development of the language. However, the 2018 Draft Ukrainian Orthography also has several significant shortcomings. Namely, it permits variance in almost all rules proposed, which might bring ambiguousness in a number of contexts. Also, the Draft Orthography fails to take into account other traditional rules of
the Ukrainian language such as the dual number, certain flexions, etc., which have remained eliminated since 1933.
Conclusion. The 2018 Draft Ukrainian Orthography aims at restoring traditional orthographic rules of the Ukrainian language and is based on pre-1933 editions of the Ukrainian Orthography and academic Ukrainian dictionaries. A number of issues should be addressed appropriately in order to integrate the new rules effectively.
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