
  • Н. А. ВОЛКОВИНСКАЯ Minsk State Linguistic University, Ukraine




lexicographic model, semantic field, semantic group, structure, content, dynamics


Introduction. A semantic field modeled on the basis of lexicographic data can serve as a way to describe the lexical systematicity that objectively exists in a language and reflects in its turn the systematicity of information in our memory. Despite of numerous researches within the framework of field theory, the question of the specifics of the semantic field as a result
of lexicographic modeling of a language system, reflecting the systemic nature of a complex mental reality hidden from us, remains unanswered.
Purpose. The article is devoted to the establishment of the specific structure and content of the lexicographic model of the semantic domain of the names of bakery items and the disclosure of the dynamics of field models of different time periods.
Methods. The research is based on such methods and techniques of linguistic analysis as descriptive analysis, component analysis, field modeling and quantitative analysis.
Results. The paper establishes and analyzes the specific structure and content of the lexicographic model of the semantic field bakery items in English. The semantic parameters of the verbalized fragment of reality uniting the items into semantic groups are distinguished.
The hierarchy of semantic groups as well as of individual units within the field is established and described. The types of semantic relations connecting its units are revealed. The dynamics of field models that are different in time of presentation in lexicographic sources is analyzed.
Conclusions. The result of lexicographic modeling of the semantic field bakery items in the English language is a semantic field structured by explicating the components of the meaning of the names of bakery items and selecting the corresponding lexical units from the dictionary. The structure of the semantic field includes 540 lexical units distributed over
12 semantic groups. The structure of the field is formed by paradigmatic relations (43.1%), syntagmatic relations (51.2%) and thematic relations (5.7%).


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