
  • К. С. ПОДСЄВАК Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine




opposition, Ray Bradbury, synonymy, antonymy, lexical and semantic group, lexical and thematic field, antithesis, metaphor, metonymy


Introduction. The study focuses on the analysis of lexico-semantic and stylistic means of oppositions’ verbalization in Ray Bradbury’s texts.
Purpose. The aim of this paper is to examine the basic views of scholars on the linguistic means of expressing oppositions and illustrate them with examples from Ray Bradbury’s novel
“Fahrenheit 451”.
Methods. The paper applied the methods of stylistic analysis, semantic and contextual analysis.
Results. Systemic relation in language representing oppositions of different kinds have been studied by many scholars in different genres of texts but fiction. In Ray Bradbury’s science fiction novel “Fahrenheit 451” opposition relations are created with the help of such lexical means as synonymy, antonymy on the levels of separate words, lexical and semantic groups and lexical and thematic fields. The study of lexico-semantic and stylistic means of opposiitons’
verbalization approved that among the dominant means there are antithesis, metaphor and metonymy as stylistic means to represent the conceptual opposition “HUMAN BEING – TECHNOLOGY” which is one of the crucial in creating the unique idiostyle of the writer.
Conclusions. Oppositions on the lexico-semantic level are verbalized through the synonymic and antonymic relations of the separate words, lexical and semantic groups, lexical and thematic fields. The stylistic means manifesting the oppositions in the Ray Bradbury’s woks are antithesis to show the contrast; metaphor and metonymy to create opposition on the basis of common characteristics. The further research will be aimed at the in-depth analysis of the verbalization means of the conceptual opposition “HUMAN BEING – TECHNOLOGY” in Ray Bradbury’s works for classifying the peculiarities of the writer’s idiostyle.


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