
  • G. I. PRIHODKO Zaporizhzhia National University, Ukraine



frame, evaluation, evaluative utterance, sender, recipient cognitivecommunicative field


Introduction. The paper focuses on the study of the framework of the evaluative utterance. Frame composition can be considered as an autonomous configuration consisting of a body, a set
of standard patterns of speech acts, members of speech situation.
Purpose. The aim of this research is to explore the updating of frame structure that realizes the evaluative potential.
Methods. The research was carried out by means of the methods of Speech act analysis, framing technique, structural, semantic and contextual analysis.
Results. The notion “frame” is used mainly for the description of such elements of consciousness, which are composed for demonstrating situations in object-human cognitive activity. Frame structure can be viewed as a specific formation consisting of a core, a number of standard models of speech acts, participants of speech episode. Also, a significant place
occupies the objective, plan and consequent. So, the evaluative situation can be associated with the frame, as it consists of appraisal of the objects of the outer world and depicts the cohesion of concepts of the object and the subject, materialized in the system of parts of speech, as well
as all the components of utterances that constitute the situation. The paper looks at the evaluative utterance as the result of a certain perception pattern, picture, and script in the communicative
activity. According to socio-role position relations between participants of communication are spread chiefly in the social domain of communication, where social role demonstrates interactional rules between the subject of communicative process and its object.
Conclusions. The realized scheme of the evaluative utterance is related to the accomplishment of the frame pattern of a typical communicative act in the form of a holistic multi-layered creation – functional-semantic formation. Materialization of a frame pattern occurs on the background of social interplay, where the functional-semantic representation of the evaluative frame is benefited by resolving in its structure such components as the illocutionary act-event, topical proposition and conventional grammatical construction.


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