
  • Т. В. ЖУРАВЕЛЬ Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine



cinematic text, film translation, speech act, pragmatic adaptation, dubbing, subtitling


Introduction. Undoubtedly, film translation is different from other types of translations. In both dubbing and subtitling, it is extremely important to take into account the interrelation of audio and video tracks, that is, verbal and non-verbal components. The combination of such components is referred to as a cinematic text. The target cinematic text must be communicative equivalent to the original one in order to preserve the pragmatic potential of the original speech acts.
The purpose of the paper is to identify the translation transformations, which are used in the English-Ukrainian translation of a cinematic text in order to ensure pragmatic adaptation of original speech acts.
Methods. The combination of translation analysis, comparative analysis, and communicative and pragmatic analysis provides a thorough study of the cinematic text, comparing the speech acts in the target and source variants of the cinematic texts, identifying and analysing the types
of translation transformations used to achieve a pragmatically equivalent target cinematic text in the English-Ukrainian dubbing and subtitling of “The Hobbit” trilogy.
Results. It is revealed that each type of film translation aims at a comprehensive transmission of the content of the original and its communicative potential. This causes the invariant application of various translation transformations in dubbing and subtitling. The main attention
of the study is paid to such transformations as semantic development, concretization, generalization, replacement, transposition, omission.
The analyzed material approved that the aim of pragmatic adaptation of a cinematic text is to keep the communicative purpose of the target and source texts. The main feature of a cinematic text, that is the combination of verbal and non-verbal components, has to be taken into
account while translating the original cinematic text.
Conclusion. Cultural context is an integral part of pragmatic adaptation. Since language is a reflection of culture, the meanings of lexical units and the situations of their use may vary from one culture to another. That is why the translator must take into account these differences and select carefully the translation transformations in order to preserve and correctly reproduce communicative and pragmatic potential of the original speech acts, that is, to achieve pragmatic adaptation of the original cinematic text.


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Джексон, П., Волш, Ф., Каннінгем, К., Уейнер, З. (Продюсери), & Джексон, П. (Режисер), & Hurtom (Переклад). (2014). Гобіт: Битва п’яти армій [Кінофільм]. Нова Зеландія / США: Warner Bros. Pictures.




