Іmages in the context of diachronic translation plurality of the time-remote original text (case study of W. Shakespeare's “The Tragedy of Hamlet” retranslations)
diachronic plurality of translations, conceptual invariance of figurative means, usual-associative and occasional-associative fields, lexical-semantic, grammatical and lexical and grammatical methods of transformational reproductionAbstract
The article focuses on the plurality in translation of the dramatic work as a factor of the varieties in reproduction
of genre and stylistic features of the original text. The problem of transfer in translation of stylistic features of
the original text, in particular modification of figurative means of the target language on the example of epithet
constructions in translations as a result of diachronic plurality of translations is highlighted. Epithet constructions
are systematized in terms of their subject matter. The analysis of epithet constructions according to the semantic
characteristics of associative relations is carried out taking into account their place in the field system of tropes.
The correlation of semantic groups showed a predominant number of occasional-associative epithets in comparison
with usual-associative ones. Among the occasional-associative epithets the most common are metaphorical epithets,
among the usual-associative are descriptive-evaluative ones. The translation strategies and tactics of achieving
the conceptual invariance of figurative means, in particular epithets, in the temporarily distant original and
its retranslations in Ukrainian (translated by Yu. Andrukhovych) and Russian (translated by B. Pasternak)
are determined. The analysis of lexical-semantic, grammatical and lexical-grammatical ways of transformational
reproduction of the figurative means under study in different-time retranslations in Ukrainian and Russian
is carried out. The main factors of conceptual invariance of retranslation of figurative means are summarized.
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