Lexical and semantic means of verbalization of the concept “ANOMALIE” in German
anomaly, norm, semantic field, parametric adjectives, somatic meaning, corporal objectAbstract
The article deals with the study of lexical and semantic means of verbalization of the concept “Anomalie”
in the German language. It has been determined that any anomaly is associated with the existence of the norm.
Each culture has its own ideas about the norm and anomaly. The terms “anomie” and “anomaly” have been
distinguished. The ontological, sociological and psychological aspect of studying the analyzed concept have
been examined. The semantic field “anomaly” in the German language has been described. The etymology
and semantic composition of the lexemes that form the core of the analyzed field have been studied. From
the given dictionary definitions, the key semes 'deviation', 'phenomenon', 'differ' have been selected. Synonymous
connection of the lexemes that define abnormalities have been established. The periphery of the semantic field
“Anomalie” has been determined. It has been pointed out that parametric adjectives play a significant role
in verbalization of anomalies in the German language, as they indicate the size of objects that deviate from
the mean. Adjectives that express positive or negative evaluation on the basis of “unusual, abnormal” have been
analyzed. Some adjectives with somatic meaning, used to denote an abnormal or noticeable features of a person,
have been described. Proper names in the form of compound nouns with somatic meaning that record pathological
attributes for the identification of objects, their selection from classes of similar ones have been analyzed.
Phraseological somatisms, which represent the anomalies of the human body, as well as their classification
by different types of corporal objects have been presented. Semantic analysis of the described lexemes has testified
to the existence of the concept of anomaly in German linguistic culture and revealed the national and cultural
features of its verbalization.
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