Methods of translation of national-cultural information in the semantics of German phraseological units with the component “Phenning” for denotation of autostereotypes




stereotype, national and cultural information, phraseological unit, phraseological meaning, reference features, cognitive features, categorization


Given the current tendencies in linguistics in the study of linguistic phenomena in the anthropocentric
stream and the study of semantics taking into account the national-specific worldview, national culture,
mentality, the proposed article aims at identifying ways to translate national-cultural information in the meaning
of German phraseology with the component “Pfeinng”, which denote autostereotypes. We consider a stereotype
as an established linguistic expression in the form of a phrase (phraseological unit) or a sentence (paremia),
which simply reflects the features of the image of traits, properties, and characteristics of a representative of one's
own or another ethnic group; or an entire ethno group that has an emotional component and provides pragmatic
orienteering in the world.
The image arises in the course of mental objectification in the process of cognition of the object of the real
world. One of the relevant features of the conceptualized image for ethnic consciousness is fixed in the internal
form of PU. The selected features of the image guide the process of nomination in the linguistic-cognitive field.
A language form is chosen that reflects the conceptualized feature of the image. By using a linguistic sign,
thus activating a separate feature of the object, the speaker seems to refer the recipient to the idea of the object
of extra verbal reality. The process of language stereotyping is to verbalize the stereotypical features of an object.
The investigation revealed that the process of language stereotyping is to verbalize the stereotypical features
of the object. Explicit, implicit, explicit-implicit methods are implemented on the material of our research.
Explicit verbalization of signs of stereotypes occurs by actualization of reference features of the denotation.
Implicit expression of signs of stereotypes is realized through emotional and evaluative rethinking of cognitive
signs, or one of the signs of categorized characteristics of a stereotyped object; through a national-specific image
that emerged based on mythological thinking. Simultaneous actualization of reference and cognitive features
of the image provides an implicit embodiment of national and cultural information (NCI) in the semantics of
the phraseological unit in an explicit-implicit way.
As a result of the analysis, four thematic groups with subgroups of German autostereotypes verbalized by PU
with the “Pfennig” component were identified.


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