concept, dystopia, youth dystopian fiction, fear, verbalizationAbstract
Introduction. The article focuses on the problem of the concept of FEAR verbalization in the English-language youth dystopian fiction novel “The Hunger Games” by American writer Suzanne Collins. The main invariant features of dystopian novels in general, and, in particular, of youth dystopian fiction novels, are detected.The purpose of the article is to identify the means of verbalization of the concept of FEAR as a component of the invariant model in youth dystopian fiction novel The Hunger Games by American writer Suzanne Collins.
The following methods are applied to analyze the data: descriptive method, the method of lexicographic analysis and vocabulary definitions’ analysis.
The results. Based on the textual analysis the means of the concept of FEAR verbalization are identified, and the most frequently presented lexical units of its verbalization in The Hunger Games are highlighted. Localization of FEAR in the youth dystopian fiction novel in time and space is explored, as well as the manifestations of the emotion of FEAR, the development of successive stages of FEAR growth. The study has revealed that the main
invariant features of dystopian novels are totally controlled by society, obligatory unanimity of its members, quest, external conflict. The significance of Suzanne Collins' interpretation of the tiniest nuances of the emotion of FEAR is summed up. The article states that the FEAR in the novel is inexplicable, existential and motivated by certain circumstances.
The research makes the conclusion that the concept of FEAR plays an important role in the poetics of dystopian youth fiction novels, testifying to the author as a master of psychological analysis.
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